Brooke Ashley Cameron 7/14/08~7/24/08

"The Butterfly counts not months, but moments, and has time enough."

Brooke Ashley Cameron was born 7~14~2008 with her identical twin sister, Summer, at only 27 weeks. She weighed 2 lbs 15 oz and was 15 inches long. She was the former recipient of Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome. As a result of TTTS (twin to twin transfusion) and prematuriy, she had acute Pulmonary Stenosis, a grade 4 brain bleed, and an extremely rare lung condition similar to Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. She passed away, at only 10 days old, peacefully in her Mom's arms, surrounded by a family who loves her.

Brooke's memory on full screen to see a larger copy.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


July 24, 2008

I have struggled through the last 8 months with ups and downs (yes, it has been that long already since the twins were born!). I feel like our life is one mad dash after another. Getting kids off to school, entertaining a busy 3 year old, and taking care of our sweet Summer. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Brooke. We have the very unique opportunity of raising her identical twin. This is both joyful and heartbreaking at times. Sometimes I look at Summer and feel so grateful...other times, I sit and hold her and cry. The heartache a mother feels for the loss of her child is sometimes unbearable.
The day we were preparing to say goodbye to Brooke, a kind social worker at Children's Hospital asked if we wished to have photographs taken of her. I love photography and was so happy that someone would offer to do this for us. I had no idea the impact this could have on us...In just a short time, a very generous woman named Lynette, from a non-profit organization called Soulumination (, arrived in Brooke's room. She captured the moments we held Brooke for the first time...and the last. On a day full of such heartache and joy, we were able to capture those moments and look back on them forever.
The first couple of days home after Brooke's death were very difficult. We were preparing for her service and mourning our loss. Just a few days later, a large package arrived. I opened it not knowing the contents. It was a package full of our memories. Inside were over 90 photos of Brooke, Brooke with the grandparents, Brooke with mom and dad, Brooke with her big brothers. I couldn't believe there was such an organization that would do this. They provided us with a CD full of pictures, some enlarged and matted in a beautiful hard cover, some smaller trifolds with pictures selected to represent each side of our families, and small wallet size pictures laminated and placed in a leather pouch. A few weeks later, an enlarged framed family photo and a charm bracelet arrived.
I have enjoyed looking at these photos so many times and can recall the feelings of love we have for Brooke. Lynette captured such precious emotions...I am grateful for her, and the many kind people we have had the privilege of coming in contact with through all we have gone through. I feel this is a long time coming, but would be ungrateful not to thank those who have provided such wonderful service to us....Thanks to all of you :)

Grandparents, Tom and Julia Cameron

Grandparents, Ron and Jackie Norris

Brooke with mommy and grandma

Little Tom kept his eye on the monitors...Brooke was showing signs of comfort while we held her

Mommy and Daddy with Brooke

Brooke's tiny feet

Tom fell in love with this little girl

Grandma Julie

Little Tom


Mom, little Tom and Brooke

Mom, Andrew and Brooke

Brooke's tiny hands

Mommy and Daddy and Brooke

Mommy cuddles...I will cherish these forever


  1. What beautiful pictures and a beautiful tribute. I think of you often and hope things are going well. Thanks for being a good friend to me!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. As always I feel like you express my thoughts exactly. I often wonder what it would be like to have both Walter and Owen in my arms and spend many tearful nights not wanting to lay Owen down, just taking one more minute to dream about what could have been. We will always know what Walter and Brooke would have looked like through Owen and Summer, but can only imagine what they would have been like. I'm sure they are best of friends up in heaven.
